
Dear Lord, I should have Sucker written in permeant ink on my forehead. Just for those that don’t already know this about me.

So the Sat before Easter, number two AKA the Girl, got me Good. I should have saw it coming but I let it happen anyways. I can’t say where we were coming from, but I can say where I was going to. I was headed to Sam’s club, and before we get off track this occurrence did not happen at Sam’s club, but near it.

So the Girl and I are driving along and we are driving past Petsmart, when she see’s the sign….PET ADOPTIONS. My daughter proceeds to point out that we should stop in and see the doggy’s.

Me: “Um, honey…I don’t think it’s a good idea to stop in today since we are on a tight schedule.”

The Girl: “Mom, just give me five mins, to go look…..pleaseeeeeeeee”…. *eye bat, eye bat*

Me: Grr… “Fine FIVE mins only.”

This was my thought, I was like how much trouble can we get into in 5 mins? In out and I get a point up from Dad who’s no where around here. SCORE!!!

We go over to the pet adoption area and look at all the dogs, and we don’t see a dog that we want. Until I turn around and there she was, a Morkie. All blonde, big eyed, petite and cute nose. I ask to see her and they say sure. I pick her up and place her back on the floor, only to turn over to get her stomach rubbed. Yeah, needless to say we got a dog for Easter. I’m officially a Sucker.

Note to dog number 2:
Let me tell you as cute as you are, it is hardly as cute when I’m carrying you around all week like a fourth kid. Halving all of your stuff around, listening to you complain and beg me to pay attention to you. All while the other dog looks at you like you are Lucifer on four legs come to torment him. While he looks longingly at me like, “Why does she get to get on the couch! Why does she get to sit in your lap, why does she get to sleep in your room! This is BS!”

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